We are a professional company serving the hauling needs of the road construction industry

We Help Carry Your Load

The trucking industry adage, “If you bought it, a truck brought it,” tells of how vitally important trucking is to American business and industry. Trucks are responsible for the majority of freight transported over land and are vital to the manufacturing, transportation, warehousing and construction industries in particular. In fact, trucking dominates in the $40 billion freight industry.

But all is not bliss. It is still difficult to find reliable, professional trucking companies that can meet the demands and take on the responsibilities of transporting valuable construction materials and construction debris.

A large percentage of trucking companies are owner-operators who spend who spend up to 11 hours a day driving, and up to 14 hours a day when you consider various other duties such as fueling, filling out paperwork, obtaining vehicle repairs and conducting mandatory vehicle inspections.

RAR, Inc. serves the needs of road and building contractors. RAR, Inc. has come to the aid of road and building contractors, excavators, trucking companies, truck drivers and government entities throughout Chicago’s north, west and far west suburban areas. We offer a full spectrum of dump truck hauling services, from transporting construction materials and debris to administrative support, and partnering with other trucking companies. With the customer’s needs always in mind, we respond quickly and work efficiently and effectively to provide high quality and timely service.

So when the burden gets too heavy to go it alone, just know, RAR, Inc. stands ready to help carry your load with reliable, professional trucking services.


The administrative duties of trucking companies are an integral part of their services.
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RAR, Inc. serves the road and building construction industries with professional dump truck hauling to and from the construction site.
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While dependability is the hallmark of a professional trucking company, it rests on the reliability of the company’s trucks.
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